Sherril's favourite quote....

" that we can do great things in future"

By Dorae-ong

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Completed Entrepreneurship Assignment!

Finally we have completed the 15-page Entrepreneurship Assignment!

3 more assignments in pending status - Microcontroller, Control Systems and AI.

Friday having Law midterm. I wonder why must we take this subject?

This weekend I gonna give myself a break. This kind of life is pressuring me like hell. Reports, assignments, activities, personal life... they are all giving me a severe headache.

Actually I have been progressing quite good lately. Well, at least this is what I think. Though the situation has worsen if compared to the beginning of semester, I tried to ignore what is happening. Maybe being ignorant and not to ask too much questions is the best I could do to save myself from being trapped in a hole of sadness. Being BLUR as well is something I have to do.

I tried to refrain myself from facebook-ing. Not because I am an addict which I know I am not, but due to some predictable circumstances. I know 1 day I shall still need to face it, but for the time being, ignoring everything is the best for me.

I may be rubbish, useless and unimportant, but till today I am still alive. Sometimes I wish I can just disappear from this world but I know fate is not decided by me. So I guess I shall hang on till the day I have set myself to a total freedom :)

By the way, regarding my 'watermelon' hair, though I hate it quite much, I must admit that I have started to find reasons not to hate it so much.

1. I realized that my dandruff problem is totally UNDER CONTROL!!! Hahaha.. so happy!
2. I can finish bathing in less than 15 mins because now my hair is much shorter.
3. I do not need to blow my hair dry again.
4. Maybe having shorter hair will give me less worries :)

Till here, want to take a look at Law notes before going to bed. Argh.. week 9 is going to end soon. Time really flies huh?


Saturday, July 25, 2009


今天的我,又很想用华语写部落。不懂何时开始,我已开始慢慢爱上用华语表达我内心话。或许是因为。。 哈哈或许就是那个原因吧!无论如何,请大家多多包涵,因为我懂我的语法实在是烂得透底!

今天很开心的过了一天。岳宏说 得没错,有那两个废材,气氛不轻松也是假的哈哈。或许对彼此的真正认识并不深,但是在一起的时候的确给人很快乐的感觉。身为饭团的一分子,虽然不是那个最 出众的一个 (毕竟没有ah keat那么夸张那么搞笑的行为),但是应该要很感谢大家当初没有因为认为我很跩所以排坼我。其实我不是跩, 只是我没笑时看起来会比较严肃。


“Sherril, 你可以脱掉你的安全帽吗?”

T_______________T + =_______________=''



上面那几张照片是在上个周末在Kampar Grand Hotel 拍的。我们当时是参加了“下乡人相见欢大聚会”。那是一个让下乡人(下过乡的人)参加的一个交流会兼研讨会。

虽然我已下过乡了,但是身为协调员的我们还是有责任带领新的一团人。参加下乡团的人不是纯粹去玩,而是还背负着一个使命。 我自认没做得很好,没和我的谊弟谊妹时常联络。但是我也希望新一团的人可以像我们一样,从中成长。新的团员们,你们一定要加油咯!

参加下乡团,不只是做了有意义的事,还交到了一班疯疯癫癫的朋友。不错啦!!大家快点鼓掌!*ah keat 和 文耀在自high了哈哈。 不过他们两个其实早在参加traveler's den 时就认识了,并且并肩作战了两年啊!!有时还真是烦死人,一会儿告诉你他肚子饿,一会儿说泻肚子。。。由他们在一唱一和的,你的耳朵绝对不会清静 :)

就是他们俩。。恶心死了!! :)

好啦,我该去睡卧的美人觉了。希望今晚可以一睡到天亮。好久已没那样了。。几乎每晚都会做梦,醒来时感觉很疲累。都多久了,这个现象还是不能改变 :(


p/s: 饭团们,翻开你们的回忆录看看专属你们的那几面。。我想你们看了一定会回想很多好笑的画面^^


Wednesday, July 22, 2009










Monday, July 13, 2009

Bad Day

Bad day. Damn bad day.

Became a joke of the day I guess.

Regretted? Maybe. But I just had to bear with it to overcome my problem.

I know I look like a kid and can you all please don't repeat it over and over again?!!! It is my business to do so so just leave me peacefully ok? Wanna cry liao.

You think I want to become a kid? It just did not turn out to be what I have expected that's all.

And I cut it due to several reasons but none of them is to become cuter so please do not ask me that k?

Shall not step out of my house if not needed.

Saw something that messed up my mind. Maybe it is me thinking nonsense again.

When can all these crap stop huh?

Pissed at myself. Really pissed.



Sunday, July 12, 2009

Back to High School Days

OMG you will not believe it.

After keeping my hair long ever since I graduated from high school, I actually gathered my courage and went to have my hair cut short. Very short, just like back in high school days.

I can't believe I actually did that.

And the results?

A very big sigh. When can my hair become long again??

Well, it is not ugly, but not pretty either. Beforehand people had already said that I look like a 18 or 19-year old girl. And now? I look like 15. Sigh. GINA LOOK.

I do not exactly hate my hair since it is now so much lighter and easier to maintain, but sometimes I do care what people think about it.

He will not fall for me again. No way.

Well, I hope my sacrifice will be beneficial as in I can control my extreme dandruff problem. Mom and Kuak said that by cutting my hair short, I can control the annoying problem of mine. I really hope it works this time. So for the time being, the scalp treatment which costs me about 100 over bucks shall be on hold.

I shall NEVER cut my hair short again if my dandruff problem does not persist.

Anyway it is a fresh look for me, a new look.

So people, PLEASE DON'T LAUGH AT ME when you see me in uni ok? Thanks in advance.

No pictures of me for the time being. Now I hate taking pictures of myself because I do not look ok at all in pictures. Like what Chris said, I look like a watermelon. So round.

I will be boarding the 2pm bus back to KL later. I DO NOT WANT TO GO BACK!!!!!!!!


Thursday, July 09, 2009

Beijing - Day 2

NOTE 1: Click the links to read detailed information about that particular place/thing.

NOTE 2: It is a very long post. Sorry if you think I am very long-winded.

Finally after so much of procrastination, here is my 2nd day trip in Beijing. Haha Kae Vin was already saying me being a lazy pig. I hate you Kae Vin!! =)

There are a few things that I love about China - the history, ancient culture and the breathtaking sceneries.

I am embarrassed to say that being a true Chinese who came from Chinese school, I do not really know about the history of China and those famous historical personage. Besides, I am never too keen to read up books and articles about them. But then, I am very much fascinated by the ancient buildings, sculptures, workmanship and ideas. I think I will really consider the option of learning more about its history when I am free.

So for my 2nd day, basically below are the few places that we went to. But first let me introduce my tour guide in Beijing whom we called Xiao Wang.

He thinks he looks handsome. So Hua Loong, what do you think huh? You or him? Haha

This was our 1st destination.

At far

You must be wondering, why of all shapes, it must be built in a hemisphere shape surrounded by water? WHY??

Work your brains. Relate facts about China, a country that strongly believes in Feng Shui.

It is believed that everything must be in BALANCE (like Yin Yang concept). So, when there is a square, there must a circle too. Same applies to buildings. There is a squarish building facing it (not directly opposite, it's more like North-South or East-West thingy). To balance it, it is built in hemisphere. The water surrounding it will create reflection of the building, making it into a complete round building.

What a brilliant idea, isn't it?

Our 1st family group photo - 11 of them are related.

Then we walked all the way to The Forbidden City (紫禁城/故宫).

On the way I noticed something, something that you will not get to see in Malaysia. The flowers planted on the pavement or beside the main roads were all so colourful and eye catching. The colours were even more vibrant than the colours of the flowers planted in my own garden. LOL

Here's only 1 sample. There are other colours like yellow, orange etc. I think even if this flower can be planted in Malaysia at the pavement, within hours, all you can see is just a dead plant.

However the traffic in Beijing is no different to the traffic here. Jam to the max during peak hours. The only difference is, there is no special lane for cyclists in Malaysia. And we do not see a bunch of cyclists cycling down the road to work.

Some public buses are operated by electricity.

If you say Penang people drive recklessly, then we are no compare to China people. Not only their traffic is jumbled up, they practically do not follow the rules. Do not ever trust the traffic lights when you cross the road, because drivers will still drive on even though it is time for them to stop and let pedestrians to cross the road.

See? He is stuck.

And they can make U-turns at nearly anywhere whenever they like. 1 word to describe - Geng!

"Zheng Yang Men" (正阳门). Will talk about this in upcoming posts.

Cute huh?

Full of bicycles.

Their version of trishaw.

Most of the roadside shops are about this size.

2. Forbidden City (紫禁城/ 故宫)

I am sure many of you have heard about this place. So I will not talk more about it but instead let the pictures do their job alright? *getting lazy lol*

Bro, Me, Mei Lee and Shyuan

Behind us is Gate of Heavenly Peace - "Tian'anmen" (天安门).

Who is more handsome? My brother or Mao Zedong?

From far, the portrait looked like a high-resolution photo. It is said that the portrait is very special in a sense that no matter from where you look at the drawing, Chairman Mao's eyes will always look right into your eyes. Well out of curiosity I tried to look at his eyes from various directions and came to a conclusion, which is - Bullshit. All those crap was just human's psychological reactions (心理作用).

Anyway I am quite amazed with the painter of this portrait. You know, the portrait is 6 meters high. To draw such a hell big portrait and make it looks soooo real is really not easy. Salute!! And 1 more thing, they need to change the portrait annually. I wonder if it is the same painter who draws a new portrait of Chairman Mao every year? If so, then his life is devoted to drawing this portrait LOL.

Heading into the 'city'.

The main gate is so huge and heavy. Wonder how those ancient people could open or close the door in such a short time?

So many...

Imperial roof decoration of highest status.

Bottom: Hall of Preserving Harmony (保和殿)

As we were not allowed to enter the hall, maybe because tourists might spoil the historic items, so all we could do was to squeeze with others just to have a look and to snap a few shots. Seriously I hate this kind of situation.

Part of the city

Even on normal working days, many of the tourists were China people from various parts of China. Don't they need to work?

1 of the halls

Wall design

Notice the colour difference between the dragon's head and body?

You know why the head is so shining and is in its original colour? Haha Chinese are always superstitious. They believe that by rubbing the dragon's head it will bring you good luck. Well no harm trying anyway.

A human-look tree.

A huge piece of Burmese Jade (if I am not mistaken)

Gilded lion - “Pi Xiu" (貔貅)

Quite a nice garden.

As we exit..

I would say, the 'city' is really really huge. Well actually everything is huge in China because what they have is SPACE. But won't it be tiring and time consuming to walk from 1 Court to another Court? If I were to live in that century inside the palace, I think I will be very slim with all the walkings =)

3. Fangshan Restaurant (仿膳饭庄)

As the name says, it is a restaurant which serves imitation of imperial court cuisine that the royals used to eat. Wow, sounds cool huh?

Undoubtedly the food was quite nice, but undeniably, there were dishes that we found quite weird. Anyway this was not the best meal I had in Beijing. Will talk about the best meal I had in the later posts.

This Fangshan Restaurant is situated inside Beihai Park (北海公园).

Inside the park,

we felt very relaxed.

Mainly because there were lots of trees (very green),

and it was breezy.

Actually we were very hungry but we still need to walk along such a long hallway to reach the entrance of the restaurant.

Then, we were greeted by waiters and waitresses dressed in "Gege"(格格) and "Taijian" (太监) uniform.

My beloved grandmother was of course offered the seat (should be throne) of the Empress. Sitting beside her were my dad and uncle, who at that time looked more like her maid.

Tour guide became our waiter voluntarily because he was thirsty.


Main dishes

4. Temple of Heaven - "Tiantan" (天坛)

We spent our entire afternoon in "Tiantan". Personally I quite like this place, mainly because of the uniqueness of the structure.

Basically it comprises of 3 main sections:
  1. Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests (祈年殿)
  2. Imperial Vault of Heaven (皇穹宇)
  3. Circular Mound Altar (圆丘坛)

(I) Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests

I wonder why such a big building must be built for the Emperor to pray for good harvest?

Anyway, this building has some stunning architecture facts:

  1. 32 meters high with a diameter of 30 meters
  2. only 28 pillars are used to solely support the whole structure
  3. there are no beams no nails

  1. inner 12 pillars represent 12 months of a year - Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
  2. outer 12 pillars represent the divisions of day and night

(II) Imperial Vault of Heaven

It is a place used to keep wooden tablets for worships. This structure also has a few interesting facts:

  1. 19.5 meters high and has a diameter of 15.6 meters
  2. built entirely from wood
  3. supported by 8 pillars
  4. the roof has no beams but has brackets entwined within each other (dynamics principles)
  5. the wall around the structure is called the Echo Wall (回音壁)
  6. the center marble pathway is known as Triple-sound Stone (三音石) [I do not have a pic]

Is the bride pretty?

If not mistaken, the wall behind her should be the Echo Wall. We tried and we succeeded hearing the voice of the men on the opposite side of wall.

As for the Triple-sound Stone, we failed to get the desired results because the place was rather noisy.

I am very amazed at the cleverness of these builders. Really marvelous.

(III) Circular Mound Altar

This platform was where the Emperor used to pray for favorable weather.

See the circular thing that my mom stood on? It is the highest terrace and it has interesting acoustic effect. Your voice can be magnified (resonant and sonorous) magically, if you stand on it and speak out.

I failed to magnify my voice at the beginning. But then I managed to find out how to do it. Your voice must not be sharp but must be low and firm, like an Uncle's voice. I am not sure why but at least it worked for me and the rest of people.

But anyway, acoustic effect was because of the echo of our voice. The balustrades around the platform send our voice back to us when we speak.

Very colourful background

I wish I could lie down on the grass and sleep. So comfy.

5. Beijing Red Theater (红剧场)

To end the day before dinner, we were brought to Beijing Red Theater to watch Kung Fu performance.

Frankly, I did not really enjoy the performance. In fact it was quite boring and some of us actually dozed off a while.

Kung Fu performance should be very lively, full of energy.

But this performance was like a short play about "The Legend of Kung Fu". I personally feel that they danced more than they performed kung fu LOL. If I get to choose, I would rather go and watch "Bian Lian" -- Face-changing. But since I have watched that before during my previous trip Jiu Zai Gou, I should just take this as a change.

6. Wangfujing Street (王府井大街

After dinner we headed to Wangfujing Street. Vehicles were not allowed along the street so it was packed with people.

The shops ranges from discounted shops to high-end shops.

There was a shopping mall too.

I totally heart this Nike shop!!!

If you are someone who loves to read books and at the same time buy them, it is a MUST to visit Wangfujing Bookstore, which is 1 of the largest bookstores in Beijing. A group mate who made research before joining this tour said that the books were sold at a quite fair price. Too bad I did not do my homework before going to China so missed out the opportunity to visit it =(

Traffic lights specially for cyclists.

So, the trip for 2nd day officially ended after cruising around the city for a while to look at the night scenery. Everyone was exhausted because we walked extremely a lot on this day.
