Sherril's favourite quote....

" that we can do great things in future"

By Dorae-ong

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sherril's Project 365: #37

Look how happy he was!

Today is Zhi Hong's 21st birthday. My dear housemate, happy birthday!

Witnessed an incident today, which I could not help but think about it. And it made me think about myself too. All this while I wanted to change some of my bad habits, but how much have I changed? All I can say is, I still need to improve.

We tend to spot others' mistakes easier than we spot our own mistakes. Though what happened today has nothing to do with me, but after some friendly chatting session I realized that I have to work harder to change for better. There is no point that I pin point others' mistakes while doing them myself.

Lots of thinking to do. Let's add oil together!
