Sherril's favourite quote....

" that we can do great things in future"

By Dorae-ong

Friday, December 12, 2008

I'm OK

My dear sisters, besties and friends, THANKS a lot. I'm fine, serious. Well, maybe I just need some time to think all over again.

I never thought that I would make such decision. Well, I might have thought of doing so but had always just THOUGHT without any action.

Is this the correct and best way to straighten things out?

I do not know for sure but at least, I do not regret but hell yea, I am sad.

The decision shattered my life into pieces and I was my own murderer. Who could I blame? I wanted it to end up like this and I was the one suggested it this way. So, I WAS THE MURDERER.

Maybe people around me will think that, "Hey, you look ok. These 2 days you still can hang out with friends and have fun. I don't see you're sad or depressed."

Well, that was just for temporary.

People, life still goes on and I still have my life to live on. It will just make things worse if I stay at home. Hanging out with friends makes me feel better. At least, they kept me talking while they were around me, so that I would not have so much time to think about those sad things. Moreover, they brightened up my day by cracking jokes and making me laugh. Yea I still can laugh because they are my true friends and I still have them by my side, to help me through this hard stage.

Ming, I'm sure we can pass through this hard stage together. I'm sorry to hear what happened to you. Guess your situation was much worse than mine. Never mind, be tough! We still have the rest with us right? =)

I still hope that, this decision will really straighten things out. I hope, "the day" that I'm waiting for will be waiting for me soon.



Vivian said...

darling, no matter what happened, u still have us and we'll b with u always. stay strong and cheer up =) miss ya

~K£cќ~ said...

Cheer up k ... :)