Sherril's favourite quote....

" that we can do great things in future"

By Dorae-ong

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Some updates about me

Wow, after refreshing this page for uncountable times, finally, it is loaded successfully. DAMN line, don't know why it's so lag nowadays. Well, forget about it.

I know I've been missing for quite some time here and in msn. Haha so sorry. I was busy with WFC things and society stuffs. Then these few days, I was and am addicted to Hong Kong series - Forensic Heroes II and PSP game - tennis.

Well, talking about Forensic Heroes... I AM SO JEALOUS OF THEM!!!!!

Haha, how I wish I can be like them! It's my dream to be in forensic science field. I love to look for evidence to solve a mystery and seek the truth to help the innocents. Dealing with those super hi-end machines must be very FUN!!!! Cool cool cool..... *dreaming*

It has been a quite happy day for me because had a nice dinner with my housemates. It's not matter of food, but it's nice because all of us (excluding Shen Chie) finally had the time to gather together to gossip, exchange news, chit-chat about just anything and crack jokes together. The moments are soooo precious, because we rarely have the correct timing to gather together though we stay in the same house.

I would say that it's so lucky of me to be able to stay in the same house with them. Once in a while there might be misunderstanding and bei-syok-ness among us, but that will just last for a few minutes. One thing is for sure, I LOVE THEM!


Attended Traveler's Den's AGM this afternoon. The number of students who showed up in the AGM is quite of out of expectation. Because normally people will not attend it unless you are the previous committee. So well done, everyone! And thanks for attending it my fellows members!

Hmmm.. thought that I can relax more after WFC and AGM, mana tau now still involve in Traveler's Den. But never mind, Traveler's Den is not like the other societies or clubs... we're different and it's fun to be in here. The previous batch of committee really made a good team. Too bad that some of them are already in final year and cannot hold anymore posts in societies... will miss them! By the way, congrats to those who were chosen to be in the committee. For those who were not in the previous batch of committee, I hope that we can work well together and make Traveler's Den a legend. Hahaha... "to make Traveler's Den a legend" was what our Da Ge told me long time ago.

Speaking of AGM, if you're a Biological Science Society member, if possible please attend next week's AGM. I'll be going to support my hsemate. She's the current secretary. Vote for her!!!! She's very efficient and capable. By the way, her name is Li Pei =)

This will be a short post because I need to finish off my piles of homework.

Before I end, I would like to dedicate this back to a friend of mine:

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to the understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom. Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. They stay in our lives for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same.....

This kind of people truly exist because I've encountered before. Because of them, there is no more starless night. Instead, they themselves become the stars and moon, who will always shine brightly on you......that is why the sky becomes more beautiful to gaze upon :)



C~H said...

This kind of people are hard to find but they exist..I would said rare and if you know one treasure them...

Sherril 雪乐 said...

sure sure... im sure u have met yours right? hehe treasure them~!!